There’s just so much to do! I have all these ingenious little creative projects I want to work on. But people keep wanting my money. What’s up with that?? And so to appease them, I give them my money. Except then I don’t have any money. And money buys food and milk. And I like to eat food and drink milk. Sometimes. Once in a while.
So I have to go out and make more money. Except people aren’t as eager to give me money as they are to take it from me. What’s up with that?? So I have to work really hard and on lots of different things to make money. Milk money. And that takes my time. So much time. And then I don’t have the time to work on the cool awesome creative projects. And then the cycle repeats itself. Over and over. Viciously repeating. Kind of like episodes of “2 and a Half Men.” You beg and plead for the cycle to end but it just keeps going and going. Torturing your very soul. Which is really too bad. Because you really want to see my cool awesome creative projects. Because they’re cool. And awesome. They’re cool awesome.
Hang in there team. We’ll get there.