I’ve never written a fake note from my doctor to get out of work before. But once upon a time I was known to…”avoid” going to school on some days. Especially on my birthday. As a youth I always made it a point to skip school on my birthday. I figured it was the best present I could give myself. I figured I deserved a day off. I figured anything really, to avoid another day of mind numbing boredom.
My days off were always highly enjoyable. Unless of course you, the person reading this, happen to be under the age of 18. In which case, it was not enjoyable at all. You shouldn’t ever skip school. In fact, I pity the fool who doesn’t stay in school. I could never condone such school skipping behavior… -cough-
I always prepared for my days of school cutting by preparing myself emotionally. I tried to channel Ferris Bueller and Parker Lewis into my soul. I would create lists of things that I would be doing on my day of absence. I notified my teachers ahead of time that I would not be in school on that particular day and would have to take my English midterm at another point in time. I simply explained that I would be on vacation for that particular day. They always complied with my request. Yup. Some of those student-teacher English teachers weren’t all that bright.
Once a particular vice principal carelessly left some summons slips lying around his office. He was also careless enough to leave his signature stamp and ink pad lying around as well. That’s pretty careless. I mean really. What was I supposed to do?? I swear some of these teachers make these sorts of things all too easy. Naturally I had no choice but to tear off a few summons slips and take the liberty of stamping them with his signature. I kept them hidden away for a rainy day. Bona fide get-out-of-class cards. All I had to do was have a friend deliver them to my classroom at the beginning of the period to “summon” me away and I’d be out of there just after roll call. Trigonometry just got a whole lot easier to deal with.
Say what you will about my young adolescent school habits. But you have to admit, I certainly learned something.