Archive for ‘Singles Awareness Day’
02/16/2008 My new graphics card arrived! Whoo! New comic strip! Whoo! I have some cinnamon rolls in the kitchen! Whoo! 02/14/2008 Happy Singles Awareness Day! I have a new Valentine’s Day strip ready, but it won’t be up until tomorrow. At least I got some February decorations up. Sorry for the lack of updates…my computer’s [...]
02/18/2007 This strip took a lot longer to finish then I had anticipated. But I wanted to do it in color. On a side note, I just realized that It was Singles Awareness Day last year when I first started doing strips in color. Huh. Cool. I have a little time off to [hopefully] finally [...]
02/14/2006 – Happy Single’s Awareness Day. I know what you’re thinking. You see the comic strip in color and you want to know if I’ll be doing them like this from now on. No. The answer is no. It takes waaaaaay too long. I just did it ’cause it was Valentine’s Day, and I had [...]