Archive for ‘Comics’
We got some awesome fan art!!! Thanks Max for the super cool drawings, I absolutely love it!!! Be sure to check out Max’s work! @frowzyboi, frowzyboi.tumblr
I am grateful that I live in a country where we have freedom to live our lives under the dictates of our own conscience…even if that means we do stupid things sometimes. ‘MERICA!
I WILL HAVE SUMMER ABS. I WILL HAVE SUMMER ABS. I WILL HAVE SUMMER ABS. This comic strip is basically just my way of fat shaming myself so as to motivate me to GET SUMMER ABS. I’ll let you know if it works. Right after I finish this chocolate milk.
Everyone is complaining about 2016, but it wasn’t really a bad year for me. Hey we had FOUR animated Raccoon Toons videos in 2016, and a TON of work already completed on a fifth! That being said, regular readers no doubt noticed a drop off in the number of comics posted. The newspaper that ran [...]
Nobody’s perfect. …except of course for that one time when Matt Cain pitched a perfect game for the Giants in 2012. That time someone was perfect. That was awesome.
It was fun to reintroduce Deke into the comic strip this past little while. I’m hoping to use him more in the future. He is, after all family.