Happy Thanksgiving! And a big “THANK YOU” to all of you readers around the world! Once again I thought it would be fun to include a comic strip recognizing all of you who have stopped by the website in the past year. Thank you for taking time from your busy lives to read a comic strip or two, watch some cartoons, or analyze my blog posts. I made this little world because I have to, but it’s sure nice to have people to share it with. Thank you for stopping by.

Within today’s comic strip you’ll notice the names of cities, schools, and businesses all throughout the world. All of these represent readers who have visited the site in the past year. Places that appear in larger letters signify places with more readers. So the larger the name, the more readers from that place. I also chose to color code it this year, with cities printed in black, schools and universities in red, and places of business in blue (don’t worry, I won’t tell your bosses you’re reading comic strips at work).

The locations were all taken from internet statistics for the site from the past year.* If you’re looking for your city and you can’t seem to find it, be aware that the locations are based on the IP address given to you from your internet service provider. In many cases this will be a larger city in your metropolitan area. (It doesn’t tell me where you live. That would be creepy.) If you want to know for sure what city your internet is currently listed in, just visit this page: http://whatismyipaddress.com/.

If you’re looking for your city or school and want a larger version of the comic strip to look through, you can view it by clicking here. And if you DO find your city, school, or place of business, tag yourself on our facebook page!! (Must “like” our facebook page in order to do so.)

Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for visiting. Thanks for reading me.



*As outlined in the site’s Privacy Policy the places and locations represented in the comic strip were collected from the site’s logs (a common practice done by most websites). ISPs, IP addresses, and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable.