Posts Tagged ‘cartoons’
HAPPY OPENING DAY!! May your batters throttle baseballs with great majesty, your pitchers’ sliders eternally catch the corner of the plate, and your managers lead with sage wisdom for the ages. Unless of course you’re a Dodgers fan. In which case you don’t deserve any of those things. Happy Opening Day!!!!!!!
Following yet another Valentine’s Day alone, Wendy decides she needs to set up Matt with one of her friends.
It’s been a very busy week, so today’s update comes in the form of a cartoon from a few years ago that was never officially posted on the site. It was an easter egg that was at the end of the Sell-Out Informercial, and was later posted to YouTube, but it’s very possible many of the regular [...]
Raccoon Toons Trailer
by Matt Taylor on November 13, 2013 at 12:29 amSometimes I am impressed and intimidated by people I know who do amazing things. They wake up early and go out into the world and accomplish so much. They work hard at their jobs, they’re super successful, they work with hundreds of people or for incredible causes. They create amazing art or writing or film [...]
I am back from my vacation!! I had a really fun trip. I got home to discover that my baseball song has officially made its way onto iTunes. Pretty sweet! You can find it on iTunes by clicking here. If you missed the cartoon that features the song, you can view it here: Good to [...]