I’m kind of excited for the new Star Wars movie coming out. And by “kind of excited” I really mean “very excited.” So excited that I bought a ticket for opening night. And by “a ticket” I really mean “50 tickets.” Yup. It’s gonna be awesome.
Archive for ‘Halloweenies’
Pockets. Pockets. Pockets. Many years ago in the first grade, pockets were everything. Pockets were it. Pockets were what mattered. Let me explain. At the beginning of every class our teacher Ms. Wiley, would place a large pile of magic beans on our desks. They were in fact, flat glass marbles, but for some reason [...]
Candy! Candy! Let’s buy candy!! And by “let’s” I really mean, “you.” And by “buy” I really mean “send me.” Ready go.
Happy Halloween!! I’m sure you all have excellent costumes planned. As for me, I will be dressed as a rabid San Francisco Giants fan and going to watch a WORLD SERIES PARADE!! WHOOOO!!!
This is the written part of my post where I craft a literary masterpiece of hilarious wit and/or pure genius. But guess what? The Giants are in THE WORLD SERIES. And I also happen to be on vacation. So any chance I had of focusing long enough to write something clever in this space has completely [...]
I was not cool this year. I did not attend any wild and crazy Halloween parties on account of my work schedule. I did not don one of my many reusable Halloween costumes (Giants baseball player, Indiana Jones) and venture out into the night of All Hallow’s Eve. But it’s all good. I did carve some insanely [...]
Have a happy and safe Halloween everyone! May your goblins be frightening and your candy be sugary! ~Matt