There are two types of work: There’s the kind of work that gets you so involved that when you finally stop working the sun has come up and it’s 6am in the morning, and there’s the kind of work that when you finally stop working and look at the clock you realize it’s only been 35 minutes since you started. Office work is the latter.

I remember days sitting in an office. You try to do everything you can to make the time pass more quickly. I’d give myself little incentives. “After a couple hours” I’d tell myself, “you can go walk around the parking lot for a few minutes.” Mmm…the prospect of just a little sunlight was enough to make heighten my steely resolve and maintaining my sanity just a little longer.

Listening to music sometimes helps. You start counting songs instead of minutes left in your day. “Just 12 songs, and I’ll have worked another hour. Just 12 more songs…” Of course, if you’re anything like me, it isn’t long before you’re lost in your headphones and everyone is made painfully aware of every song on your playlist as your sing along with no inhibitions, rocking out to all your favorite 90′s bands. Nice work there ace. Not only have you made a fool of yourself by singing in the office at the top of your lungs, but now everyone knows how old you are too. Stellar move.

But surely all of these activities have somehow passed the time somewhat! Surely the day is just about over and it’s time to go home!! We’re free!! Let’s just check the clock.


‎Kill me now.